
Warning of a black Cat Poe like Prose

*a fictional story
but based on a true
event in my life.

Silvery flakes
drifted down
glistering in the
bright light of
the moon. The
black bird sat on
a branch of a bush
by my window. The
winter cold air froze
me, so I clutched
my blanket to keep
warm. Angel my
best friend and cat
sat on my bed waited
for me to return t cuddle
to keep warm under the

The black bird squawked
at me, I took a deep breathe.
" Oh that stupid bird," Didn't
get much sleep, the bird kept
on tapping at my window.
Angel gone under the covers
and slept it was too quiet.
I thought I heard Angel
meowing loudly, so I got
up and let Angel out, but
Angel never left my room.

I had this nightmare that
a big trip was coming up
and I was all ready to leave
my house, Mom told me, how
she didn't want me to go and
leave. But I told her, I've been
planning this and that I been
looking forward to it for months.

Than I had this overwhelming
vision that I saw Angel sat
by her bowl and food dish
wondered where I was with
food and water. Angel began
to meow loudly. Than as days
gone by Angel meowed louder
than ever waiting for food
and water. Her meow was like
a cry for help. After a while
Angel in my dream began
to feel negleted. I began
to cry out," oh no who's
going to take care of my
Angel?" my eyes welled
up with tears as I thought
of the horror. What if Angel
thought I won't come back.

So at the last minute
in my dream I looked
at my packed suitcases,
purse and pack that sat
ready for me to leave for
my trip to China and Seoul.

My heart began to melt
as I thought of Angel
in the vision Angel after
a while began to cry out
in pain and slowly became
sick. It was like I was a by
stander watching Angel
cry because of neglected
and slowly became sickly
and lost a great amount of
weight. Angel's fur was like
if I pulled it a fistful of fur
in my right hand. Soon
Angel lost the ability
lost the ability to
hear and gone
into deep depression.

It made me very sad
in my dream I never
felt, so hopeless
in my entire life.

Later a bout
a season later
after the dream
in the summer of
Aug 2012 I found
out that Angel's
health had turned
sour and had cancer.
It was like my nightmare
where Angel stopped eating
lost a bunch of weight. And
I grabbed Angel's fur more than
a pinch Angel didn't respond.
It wasn't long Angel wasn't
interested in playing anymore.
I bet Angel felt neglected
and lost even though I
never left Angel. Angel
did look as sickly,
and skinny and
depressed like in
my dream.

After the nightmare
like maybe in oct I realized
something. Oh my gosh!
I killed Angel. It wasn't
bad enough I had trouble
coping now to blame
myself for Angel's death.

I had a dream about
Angel about Angel
getting sick and than
slowly dying with
cancer. Why can't I
let this go?

God please be with
me. This might take
a long while than I

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