
* Sunday April 14th 2013 Greener side prose

* Sunday April 14th 2013 Greener side prose

One that sees life through
me. I wondered they will see
that a mile in my shoes
and that they will be seeing
my life not always what
I seemed to be when my
coworkers see my bubbly

They will know that 
there's more to me than
my passion for my lobby
attending job and I'm more 
than a pretty face.

I'm just like everyone else, 
I just have to work harder at
certain things. 

Ok, I'm not perfect I will admit 
that and make mistakes like everyone
else. I didn't ask for this, but thanks to 
this I am strong like my heroes; Helen Keller,
Annie Sullivan, Laura Ingulls and Alexander
Graham Bell, we've all struggled through life,
worked hard to be taken seriously and left their
mark on the world and made a difference. All of
my heroes I've listed before, I am leaving my mark!

I am leaving my mark, my writings are
stored in my computer and have shared
Them with an audience( practice but all artists
have to start somewhere) a way to get my work 

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