
* Thursday April 18th 2013 Flooded Side

*  Thursday April 18th 2013 Flooded Side

well this morning I woke up at 8 in the morning
because the sound of  thunder startled me. The 
falling rain hit against my house windows. So I 
got out of bed to unplug my computer, that's when
I noticed a few water puddles in the family room. 
I shrugged it off, cause I wasn't that worried about it.
That changed after I gone back to bed and woke up
again to the sound of my ipad alarm played,
" Le Festin," by Camille. My eyes rolled open it
wasn't time to wake up yet so I let it go until at 11:30AM
when my cell phone alarm gone off but this played, 
"Super Mario World theme song."

At this time the whole downstairs level
and my bedroom was flooded with water.
Mom and I gone to Meijer's to rent a carpet
cleaner to be able to suck out the water. But 
That didn't help cause every time we sucked 
out the water, thanks to the underground river
that I shared with my neighbors, water from under
the ground came back up.

I found this very annoying and what
Made it worse was that all day felt that
I sat there and didn't do anything. Knew that
If I did suck up more water it would grow back 
like an unwanted weed.

I had sent a message to Aunt Peggy
Told her what had happened to the basement
area of our house. Along with me, I sent a message
To Carrie that if she wanted to hang out, we would have
To hang outside of the house cause of the water issue and
Went into detail that I will be living in my guest room of my 

thanks to me kind and understanding parents
the spare room, they unhooked my big screen tv,
the wii and my blue ray player, so that I can play 
movies and games. In mind I knew this would take
time to hook up cause I knew they had a lot of work
to do on their hands. i knew I had to be patient.

Carrie had arrived at 6 right on cue
I opened the door to let Carrie in.

" come one in, but I need to grab a 
few things," I told Carrie.

I went downstairs to grab my blue jean
jacket and my pink skeatchers tennis shoes,
and I took off my soaking wet pink slippers off
of my cold damp feet. I felt the air of warmth hit
my feet oh how relaxing that felt. Than I took my
shoes pulled them on tied them securely by my shoestrings
and was out the door.

" Bye Mom, see you later,"

" Bye have fun Carrie, Stephanie!"

First thing I asked Carrie where she wanted
to eat at. Carrie had told me, she was opened minded.
I told her," lets eat here," I pointed to a resturant sign" Little Easy,"

"Ok, last time we ate here you threw away all your
chicken," Carrie said.

" Yeah, I'll take it to your truck this time,"

I ordered three crabmeat ragoons, honey
and sweet and sour chicken and than I gone
next door to another resturant to get my dr. pepper
this was my meal. I sat down next to a plant in the mall
near where I had ordered my food.

Carrie and I began to chat about North Korea
and how the leader there is evil and bad as hitler.
Than I gone to tell Carrie that one of the characters
Daphene from Switched at birth has started this revoltion
because of some peopel who can hear are taking over her school.
Carrie looked at me tried to understand what I had meant.

" It would be easier if you watch the episode," carrie nodded in agreement.

Carrie finished her meal first I seemed to feel full
but continued to eat til I said," ok I feel full,"

Carrie asked me," where do you want to meet?"

" I'll be at Fye( Fay)," I said so Carrie and I went to
our favorite stores. Carrie never told me where she
would be, I realized. I blew it off knew that if Carrie
needed to find me she would call.

I was at FYE looking at music and movies
came across The Descent and The Univited
(inspired by a korean horror film) I had told Carrie
That I was thinking about buying them but thought,
" No I don't need them in fact, how would I convince 
Mom to let me keep them. I mean she got rid of them in 
The first place," So I put the movies back.

Next stop Carrie and I shopped at
Barnes and Nobel my favorite book store.
I looked around to see if I can find that ghost
story I picked up last time I was there. drat I wish
Kat were there with us to help me. Maybe Kat would
remember the name of that book I wanted to get. I wanted
To know how the book turned out. To my surprise I didn't
find it, but as I looked I grabbed a Java chip frappechino
at Starbucks in the store to satisfy my hunger for reading
my books.

" Uh oh I wonder if my books at home are alright,"
I cried. I know I may sound like a nerd or a( Belle from 
Beauty in the Beast) but my books are like my friends
and more like worlds I can travel to, the key to see worlds
beyond. one word knowledge. 

I texted mom," Are my books safe?" I laughed
as I finished my question. 

After I h ad arrived home to find
my tv, iPad, my computer and my journal,
wii and games upstairs. Mom had told me that 
It would be a while for me to be able to do anything
with the blue ray player and the wii. I told her its ok
I can wait. Besides I need to catch up on my writing 

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