* Monday May 13th 2013 Junifer Prose
I decided to go on an evening
stroll, I walked about three blocks
when I felt it. A plant with prickly
thorns like a bush.
I opened my eyes to find my
hands on top of this gross yellow
junifer its pokey branches tickled
irrated my skin and it broke out in
Than as I fought myself
from feeling the want to
itch my pink bumpy skin
I remembered.
Katherine and I were in elementary
school kids. riding our bikes through
the neighborhoods near our houses
where we both grew up.
There was this particular
house where this kind elderly
couple had lived( their names
escaped my memory) that Kat
and I passed on the way home
as we rode our bikes. Near this
house there were bushes at the
time. At the time I had no idea
what this plant was until mom had
told me( which I will tell you later).
I rode my bike near the bush,
Kat was behind me Kat watched
as I accidentally tripped over my bike
it fell over and I fell into the bush.
It was like I had just falling
into a disquised fiery pit the
itchy feeling plant irritated my
right lower arm.
I am writing this and I felt
the urge to itch my face and
body cause after this event
whenever I think about junifers
I itch myself.
All I remember it grew
too painful for me that I
started to have a allergic
reaction. And my right arm
in red hives it wasn't pleasant
to look at.
" Kat, help me!" I cried out
tears ran down my face.
Kat used all her strenght
to pull me out of the bush.
Tears continued to roll
down my face. I still felt
the sensation of burning
like I'd been bitten by ants.
( but to be bitten by ants
in this state, michigan is
very unlikely and die from it
is highly unlikely.)
It was even worse when
I lost the control of not
itching myself. I scratched
myself like crazy. Something
I shouldn't have done.
Kat and I rode our bikes back
to my house. I felt my face burning
it was because of how hard I was crying
from the fire like pain. Told my mom what
had happened that's when Mom rushed into
well Mom mode.
my skin reaction was so bad
Mom had me undress and soak
in a bath to reduce the swelling than
dress but apply myself with the pink
lotion to help my skin. The good thing
about this remedy was that it worked
but it smelled and usually I put it on misquito
bites too.
I glanced back at this memory
I fell into the bush the hives were
back, but they wren't being easy on me.
My itched and I couldn't
feel a thing my body has
gone numb with pain. Without
realizing it or looking back one
of my neighbors saw that I was
walking alone in the dark around
that horirble bush. The neighbor
was my best and true friend, Katherine
who had been there through the event.
I was rushed to the doctor
they gave me a shot and medicine
to reduce the swelling,
The pain was so bad that
I had became sick but my
ummune system was still
strong. I never stopped fighting
and lived a full life.
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