
* Saturday May 11th 2013 Matt's birthday Brother Poem

*  Saturday May 11th 2013 Matt's birthday Brother Poem

you are one person that I felt close to
one person I'd like to be. You're tall as
a building. It must be nice to be like a tower.
I've always wished that I was tall like you. I've
always looked up to you. Even though you 
are defending and protect our country
and give us our freedom.

A lot of the things you did
in the past like choir, or
you have inspired me to 
find my voice to be heard
find a unique sound and
way to live my life. 

Sure there were times 
where I annoyed you
and pestered you but 
deep down ( as a little
girl) that was my way of
showing you that I cared.
I didn't know other ways to
show it. Besides hugging you
or trying to kiss you. 

This way is my way 
of saying thank you Matt
for being there like a solid
rock I won't say that there 
aren't anytimes I do miss you
as  sibling I do look back on
those memeories you me and
Sarah had often shared.

I treasure these more 
that you are serving our
country. Hope you treasure
those memories we all shared 
down in Florida atdisney world 
on your 19th birthday. ate a meal
at liberty tree tavern in Frontierland.
Sarah wore a colorful yet polka dot like
lady bug sleeveless and you wore a navy sleevless.
Me i had two braids that wrapped around my head
like a woven basket. 

what a beautiful memory
I love you matt keep doing
a great job as a father, husband
but i want you to know you are a
great brother to me. 


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Anonymous said...

That was really touching!

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