
Sunday May 5th 2013 Sobbing Prayer ( edited) Prose

Sunday May 5th 2013 Sobbing Prayer ( edited) Prose

I was at one of the colleges
in Southern IL Southern IL
Univeristy along with some
of my friends at the time, met
up at monopoly club. There was
a McDonald's on campus. I waited 
In line  to order food my friend Sean
was there behind me. Than I saw this
college student  at least 23 or so
her hair was half wavy half straight
 and her face was  sticky as if she 
were sweating. She bent on the floor.
Her hands on top of her head and tears
ran down her eyes. A red bag over her shoulder
and she pulled out a small box and pulled out a 
few tissues. Ended up using the whole box

The last one she had used to 
wipe away her tears and blew
her nose hard she looked down
at her tissue. She was in a need
of a new one, went over to the 
garbage. I followed her I knew
she might need help i could feel it.

She opened her red pack no tissues 
searched frantically began to sob harder
that's when I reached into my pocket and
pulled out unused brand new tissues and 
handed it to her. She needed them more than
I did I could always get myself another one.

She looked at me her eyes 
now bright as if I were the only
one had helped her out of a slump
when she desperately needed someone.

" Thank you," She reached out and 
gave me a hug.

She clutched me tightly 
I could hear her sobs
of joy fill my ears and I felt
her tears drip onto my back.

" Your welcome," I hugged back.

After that I had gone back to my 
friends but on the way there I had
said a silent prayer for her. I didn't
know what she was going through but
I knew that she was needed to somone
other than me. 

God be with her. 

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