
Trapped in a box Poem



Can you hear me?

I'm trapped, help me.

Inside a box the walls

Are closing in air is scarce

How frightening!


I am alone with

No one there to

Comfort me no

Food or water

To get by I began

To drift off as the

box headed out to sea.


Inside I sit there I was sent to a store and there

Someone thought I'd was a gift sent to someone,

So they held onto me but at night mysteriously I died,

Probably lack of oxygen food and water I began to shrivel

Up to nothing.


No one knows I'm missing accidentally sent to resident,

Who thinks I'm a package from a loved one like a expensive gift,

But they were wrong, she opens the box with a crowbar and finds

Me inside. She screams out when she finds me inside, clutching my

Side at the rib area trying to protect myself from dying. The air inside

The box reeked and flies swarmed to eat the remains of my decaying body.


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