
Thorns Poem: Narrative Poem


I hate thorns

The betrayal of love.

Hope like that of a dove.


Thorns tear at my leg

My feet sag,

Legs burned

it what loved earned

For me to see

That once he loved me

Does he… he loved me

Oh oui!


My heart bleeds

Voice gone out can’t speak

I’m crying out to you

For help you can’t

Hear me that am not

My fault.


I feel a thorn

Now inside my side

I want to die

He shot me in the eye.


My eye bleeds

Stomache failed

Puking sounds

Like an injured whale

He failed.

My love in two

How could he

Nothing will be the same.


He’s at the lines

And the ropes

Just when I was

about to cope.


I cried in a restaurant today

It seems like theres no way

I’ve been strong for too long.


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