
Thursday March 14th 2013 Famous Parents Prose

Thursday March 14th 2013 Famous Parents Prose

I'd like to have Mr. Bell
who let Helen to listen
to his ticking pocket watch
and Helen Keller as parents,
cause I most likely know ASL
and Braille throughout my life.
They would be able to teach
me to overcome my disability
If i were their biological daughter
I'd be either blind, deaf or both
and if I weren't I would have been

Might be looked at in a different
way cause I'd be one of those
people, like helen almost sent to
an asylym but would be taken
in with Annie Sullivan Helen's
teacher for her to teach me
to step out into a world of sound.
It would be hard to be deaf and have
Aspergers syndrom cause it would
be hard to translate everything.

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