
* Thursday April 11th 2013 Athlete's Children Prose

*  Thursday April 11th 2013 Athlete's Children Prose

I rode my bike through the Imagination Station,
A park in my hometown, sat down at the bench
To enjoy the peace. That peace was broken when
I heard this chanting coming from a crowd that gathered
Around this college student skate boarder guy about to
Preform a wheelie over the bride( playground bridge).
These two little boys about 6 and 5 sat on the bench
next to me that had a view of kids that watched this stunt.

The six year old kid wore an aadious t-shirt
He looked excited to see this stunt his father
has been perfecting it for months and ready to 
Show off to the public. 

" Do it, do it!" He encouraged. His smile
shone in the sun and the boy was sure to be
into sports or he's just there to support his father.
His smile was so big its like it was if it were the 
best day of his life. His hand patted his friend
and brother's tummy lightly and shouted
over the noise of the crowd.

" This is the best stunt ever." 

His brother was nervous, this wasn't a
idea of a good time or entertainment for
him to watch his dad possibly break his neck.
Many thoughts flooded his mind, what if his
father breaks  his neck, leg, arm, or finds 
Himself nearly facing his death?

So the young boy shouts out," Be careful. Don't hurt yourself,"
A few people in the crowd that were near the two boys looked
At him than laughed as if what he said were a joke.

" Ty, you're embarrassing me," His brother's face turned
angry as if what he said made him feel ashamed that their
dad was a loser. He was afraid that people would judge him
and acts like he himself has a reputation, he's too young to have
one. Ty gritted his teeth nervously and was afraid for the skater's
and his dad's safety. 

The college aged dad landed his trick,
Let out a big," whoop!"  The small short six
year old boy Ty hugged his brother and said
to his dad. 

" I'm glad he made it!" Ge cried tears flow
down his cheeks.

" Ty stop it!" his brother said he was angry
more than embarrassed his pounded his fists
Ty's eyes widened in horror.

" Stop it, Brian. There's no reason for that," 
their dad calmed.

The college student, father and skater
stopped by them and and gathered both
Of the boys, they were going home. On the 
Way, he kissed them on the foreheads, I watched
in awe. Awww how sweet, I thought.

" Dad!" two kids shouted,

" can we go to McDonalds?"

I laughed how cute are boys
when they are happy sharing good
Time with their parents. 

Their dad took off his helmet and safety
Gear off. His dark black hair and eyes shone 
Like a star perfect for an athletic star and I could
smell the odors of sweat trinkle down his slim body.

He drove to a Mcdonalds to celebrate 
His time with his boys, he doesn't get to 
see them often. His wife left him, but he
Lives with his girlfriend at an apartment
with these boys. So this time that they share
are precious to them. Its too bad the boys
don't realize it. 

their dad ordered two cokes for his sons
a coke and sprite and a large water for himself
To quench their thirsts.  They sat in one of the 
Booths and talked about when they are going to 
Meet again. What a perfect way to reward this
athlete and a way to bond with his kids. 

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