
*  Friday March 29th 2013 Vacation Spot Prose 

sunset, lock, twilight, teeth, dawn,

I always wondered what's it like
To work at the time of sunset,
When I get my huge paycheck
I will have to lock it away in my
checking account for Florida. 

This is my reward for saving
enough money for June and
August of this coming summer
that also includes my birthday.

Being caught in the twilight
hours at my favorite vacation
Spot shopping and catching the
Last rides I can squeeze in before
The next morning. 

At 530 each morning
We get a wake up call
By Stitch he shouts," Wake up!"

Last time when it was two days
From my birthday Mickey called
To wish me a happy birthday
A smile spread across my 
Face and couldn't stop 
Smiling that had made my day. 

The wonderful sight of waking
Up in the morning to see the sunrise,
Sure my feet hurt, but its always worth it. 
At the crack of dawn Mom and Dad 
Get up a little early I sleep in a little longer.
630 I get up take a shower get dressed
And meet them where they eat their 
Breakfast in the hotel the food court
Where we stayed at( Pop century
And All Star Movies Resort).

 Many memories I look back on 
One must thing to put on the 
list is to see a show( sort of a concert )
Festival of The Lion King a must see. 

My teeth turned into a giddy
Grin this is how I am at disney
Its like Christmas Day and being on
a sugar rush and don't want this to end. 

I sat with my family will about
Like 800 to get to the parks
To get there before the crowds
Do, boarded on the bus along with
Other tourists. I looked around saw
babies wipe their eyes they aren't awake yet
As for everyone else they were just waking up
or had enough energy for a while.

A hat on top of my head
To shield the heat away and
a Disney spray fan in handy to 
cool off when not on Splash
Mountain, Space or Thunder
Mountain rides. A lot of what
some people may not know is that
there are rides that are half inside
and outside, outside and inside so 
When a thunderstorm or rainstorm
comes some are great to go on like
Splash, space, and won't list them
All cause if you're disney fan like me
that knows a lot about WDW and disney
Its one thing to keep in mind there are
alternatives what to do when rain pours
or thunderstorms occur in Florida. 

As for the vacations go
I have to say the worst 
Worst thing about all 
Vacations they must end
Thats why I bring a camera
And cell phone on the trip 
To take photos to remember 
Trips by. 

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