
*  Saturday March 30th 2013 vampire lover prose

* Fiction I hope its to your liking.

My heart began to rust
Sort of as if it were metal
When water hits it slowly eats
Away my heart, how the severing
Pain I clenched my fists into balls
And released them continuously
My breath uneven the pain is too
Much for me, I let out this terrifying
Yell, I needed help. 

" Help," my body drained out
Of energy no one was there
Where I was, in my room on the 
Floor, my hands touched my ribs
Blood my eyes turned from a dark
Brown to a dark red teeth of similar to
A wolf only sharper. A vampire.

Then I felt this familiar scent
Fill my bedroom it was him,
His eyes were dark black
Worn a blue blazer but his teeth
Were bare with red blood stains.
His skin wasn't white but tan like mine
And is scent was of mine the scent of
The jewel of Asia and the quenching thirst 
Of blood dripping down his throat.

He looked at my tan skin
As I pondered," who are you? I mean
I recognize you." 

A kind smile spread across
His face almost like as if I have
Loved him in a previous life. 

He looked at me as I thought
Of, where have I met you, or
Have I've known you at sometime
In my life?

Then he told me his name, 
Raja, he had first met me
Back in high school when
We were both freshmen,
And told me," that's when I 
First met you and instantly
I fell in love. I didn't look in his
Direction so he waited and promised
That he would meet me again, this time
He said," I'll won't be so shy about it,"

Raja told me that the things
Tat drawn him to me were
My bubbly personality and
How beautiful my eyes were
And that what he described 
Like little shining jewels.

I smiled at raja the compliment 
Made me feel great I wanted to
Scream for joy and I couldn't 
Hold it in. 

Raja looked at my dark eyes
 I squinted them reached out
To touch his right hand raja
Gently with his. Then suddenly
I felt this urge for blood a human
Anything but it raja. I let go of Raja's 

I soon felt like I was in a withdrawn
Like a sugar or caffeine but only not
As satisfying. 

Raja knew what I was feeling
Cause all vampires go through the
Same thing first is the craving then
Adjusting to scent and being able
To control themselves around blood
And humans.

Then the sweet scent of human blood
And flesh began to tempt me, I couldn't
Take it I lost control.

" no you don't want to do that!" Raja held me down
As I tried to run towards what I saw the dripping
Puddles that formed where stood and the trail of
Blood that lead from upstairs to my bedroom, I 
Immediately thought of my parents.

Raja gave me a glimpse of what happened
Mom and dad laid on their beds fast sleep
Their bodies rose with each breath they took.
Raja knew what would happen, he wanted to
Ask for my hand in marriage and they would
Stand in our way. 

Raja's teeth slit open dads
Big belly open spilling his guts,
And blood they blasted on the
Walls of the bedroom as for mom
Raja saved for me cause he knew
I would be thirsty. 

I listened to Raja's story was
Surprised that I wasn't gagging,
Throwing up or horrified at what raja did.

" Wait, raja, did you say you love me?"

" Love you I've loved you since I laid 
Eyes on you," raja kissed me.

My mom laid there on top of 
My bed sleeping not knowing
What had happened to dad. Sharp 
Almost like razors turned into a deadly
Sinister smile and I took a big bite of her
Raja was right about them coming in between
Us they had to go. 

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