* Tuesday April 30th 2013 Making A Mess Prose
Walk a mile in my shoes
tell me what you see
I won't help you with clues
what I have to carry this
baggage around for the
rest of my life. This shows
how strong I am a person
who's been through so much.
At the end of the day maybe
you will see life through my eyes.
You will know what the reasons
what I do or say besides I was born
that way. Not many people know about
it. I try to cover it with leather lace
squirts of vanilla cream. No one can hear
my plea that I hold deep inside my heart. I
want to fit in an be accepted like everyone
else. I have a best friend who's been there
she was the one who had broke into my
silent wall of darkness by reaching out
her hand to me. I hesitated at first realized
Kat geuninely lended a hand. I looked around
the dark pit.
I grasped kat's hands tight
Kat pulled me out from my hiding
place. I am ready for the ride that
life throws at me.
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