
Thursday May 2nd 2013 Writing Prose

Thursday May 2nd 2013 Writing Prose

chase, camera, tears, rug, eyes, coffee, river,

I began to chase after my calling writing.
There are a few things I look through camera
photos on in particular a relative( but at the time
didn't know who she was in the photo). Look
Through photo ask family not tot tell you, if
you're related your not, to anyone in the photos
and write about that person it can be fiction
especially when you don't know the person.

The photo she sad in the chair
and was overweight her face
was round but she looked like
she wasn't very happy.

The first thought I had of her
was," she's overweight," than
thought of a question that someone
might've asked her and the name of the
story," Why have you not?"

I don't want to spoil the whole
story but to summarize it
Its about this story told in
the perspective of her best friend.
She looked over on memories remembered
that her best friend was once skinny and
in great shape.

But than wondered," why did she let herself go?"

After I finished this piece I had found
out this interesting story behind it. I showed
the piece to Mom and Mom was very impressed.

" That's actually... the person there is
your..." was all I could remember what
Mom had said. Grandma on her side for

Tears flowed from Mom's eyes
splashed to the rug Mom held a half
consumed cup of coffee. Than a cross
But without realizing it Mom accidentally
dropped the cup on the floor. Mom didn't
bother clean it up, at least not right away.

I turned Mom was now astounded
by my piece that mom let out a river
flow of water from her eyes. a wave
of joy filled Mom's face acted like as
if she could see my art come to life as
it were like the memory she shared with
my relative. Perfect clarify as it matched
the photo my art was inspired by.
Mom was so proud.

Mom's hands arms wrapped around
my body and gently squeezed me gave
me a hug.

" Good job," Mom applauded.

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