
*  Tuesday April 2nd 2013 Nalain Nicki Hostel One Part 1 

Nicki was originally one of my
Cousins who were a hybrid
Half vampire and werewolf,
Her eyes were red like of a
Vampire but had the body of
A werewolf. Her dark auburn
Straight layered hair beckoned.

Nicci felt torn there had been
Times Vicki has been bullied by
Newborn vampires they had 
Heard what I was.

" How can you be related to
The most wise and evil vampire?
The vampire leader will never take
Pity on you," many years nicki had
Gone through endless tormenting and
Taunting and to think that was bad 
The werewolf side was just as cruel
And unforgiving they labeled my own
Flesh and blood as a traitor.

I was on the werewolf territory 
Searching of food to eat, when I
Ran into her this was our first
Time we had met, ever since I've 
Threatened that I wanted to kill
All of my werewolf relatives, but now
I have learned how to control my thirst.

Thats when I saw Nicki 
her hair flowed flawlessly
her hair auburn but more darker
this time and her layers were gone.
Good they grown out I thought Nicki
Looked better without layers anyway.
Nicki twisted her straight dark hair around
Her fingers this had made me feel drawn to 
her like a magnet to metal. 

Part 2 

" Nalian," nicki said I interrupted
Her we were in werewolf territory
And knew that if any other werewolves
Found out I was there she would be killed.
There was no way I'd let that happen to her.

" nicki, you will address me as vampire leader,
Unless you are on my territory," I ordered.

Nicki nodded in obedience,
I rolled my eyes at her," how doglike,"
I uttered to myself.

" vampire leader" nicki soon began to wolf out
Her arms were raised she was in her attack mode.
But I didn't let her cause I have this power that
I use to disable any werewolf to wolf out. I began
To break down the barrier that was between
the werewolf and vampire territory. A power that
I only have and able to use.

" don't," I sneered.

Nicki stopped she realized what
Happened," nicki," 

Nicki inhaled tears fell down on her
Cheeks I wrapped my arms around
Her to comfort her.

I was able to read her mind
To know what had made her
Feel troubled.

The other vampires what they
Said about her never being accepted
By me her cousin and vampire leader.
And I knew what troubled nicki most 
The werewolves telling her that she's
A traitor to their side. Then a short
Memory of her parents my aunt and
Uncle Kiokoa and Aunt Koako but
was curious about me like Kioko.

Than I began to hear familar footsteps
Kiokoa's then I heard the sound of her 
Angry voice," Nalan,"

" Go," I ordered.

" But, Nalan,"

" I'll take care of you I promise,"
I promised as I read Nicki's thought,

" Turn me now,"

 Part 3

" Nalain, what are you doing here?"

Nicki looked out at us wondered what
Would happen next.

" Nalan, I told you what would happen to you
If you stepped off of your territory," 

A smirk laid on my face, I disabled her
From wolfing out on me.

" Stop that!" Kiokoa reached out to hit me 
Hard on my face. I reached out in time to 
Grab her hands twist them behind her back
and gave her a very painful bites I had found 
My snack.

Kiokoa screamed out in pain
So loud that I had to put a barrier
over her so that no one could hear
Her screams but Nicki and I.

I laughed," You can scream all you 
Want, no one can hear you," I sucked
Out as much blood from her that I could.

Out of Kiokoa's barrier, I gone
into the protective wall where I
Had Nicki in.

* Nalain Nicki Hostel One Part 4

Now that I had been fed
I was ready to talk to Nicki.

" hmmm..." Nicki looked at me
her beautiful red eyes stared
Back at me as if she were thirsty.
Her parents wouldn't let her ever
fed on werewolf blood in fact
They had hid her from our clan.

That was until she went to school
thats when Nicki ran into vampire
and werewolf bullies. 

My eyes turned red but didn't
shield my thoughts from her.
Nicki asked," are you going to turn me?"

" They don't want me, no one accepts
 me I'm a worthless piece of trash!"
Nicki cried tears ran down her neck.

The moisture of her tears
began to evaporate which
didn't help me control my thirst
in fact her vampire werewolf
scent drove me crazy. I easily
hid that quite well.

" Nicki, stop," I calmed.

" I will turn you only on one condition,"

* Nalain Nicki Hostel One Part 5

This is when Nicki was in pre vampire
mode where i had given a few vampire
Powers to her.

" Of course, there's a condition,"
Nicki hissed. Her throat was burning,
her emotions were high couldn't more of
That Nicki didn't know how to control herself
or her thirst. Her fangs out like a snake.

" hey, hiss at me? Don't you hiss at me!"
I sneer and hissed like a cat like snack
my fangs came out like hers we were both

Nicki backed away from me wished 
She never did that she had a voice the 
kind that was like conscience. 

" Oh conscience, you'll outgrow that
my little newborn," I kissed her hard
I mentally asked my twin sister to come
in a few minutes, passed the time
making out with Nicki. Her body pressed
against mine. Tossled her hair freely
with one hand and held her close to my side
protected her from harm. 

* Nalain Nicki Hostel One Part 6

In a flash my twin sister  Alerik, 
Was at my side holding down Nicki.

" mmm... and I thought you'd cooperate
with us!" Alerik hissed.

" Alerik, hold her down," I ordered.

Alerik obeyed I slit my fangs
into Nick pints of my venom
poured into Nicki. Nicki began
to twich in pain and screamed
so loud it hit the highest frequencies
of our vampire hearing. It was like
the highest pitch for dogs only higher.

" Nalan, I can't hold her." Alerik said.

" Keep it together Alerik!" I shouted.

" Nalan, stop stop yelling! you're hurting
me!" Nicki said her hearing of a vampire
but extremely sensitive more now that she's
now turning. 

" Alerik, go ahead fed, I'll handle her, go!" I commanded.

Part 7 

" listen to me, Nicki, you have
 to stay calm ok?" I held Nicki down.

Nicki looked at me," Are you kidding me? Do you
even know what it's like to turn." 

" Mmm...." I thought for a second," its been a long
time," I wondered.

Nicki was extremely wild and wouldn't 
sit still and thirsted for blood. So I called
Kioko to come quickly was there in no time.

" You asked for me?" Kioko asked.

" Yes, Kioko I want you to go hunting bring 
something back for Nicki," I said.

" I'll bring something for you, Nicki and me."

" Good you deserve it," I said.

In an instant Kioko was back with
food for all of us, I let Kioko into
the healing machine to feed Nicki.

Nicki opened her mouth and bit
the stunned one hundred pound
werewolf sucked its blood out of
its lifeless body. Nicki exhaled.

" awww, tastes so good," 

Kioko and I soon drank the blood
it was a way to congratulate our new
newborn into my clan. 


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