
*  Wednesday April 3rd 2013  Monday Jan 14th 2013 How I met Jaine Prose ( revise)

Back when I was a newborn
Vampire, my sister Alerik, 
(Who was also a pure breed)
And I sat in the healing 
Machine of my parents home.

My parents its sort of simple,
Let me explain. My mother was a 
Werewolf and her side was the
Most powerful werewolves. On
My dad's side, were all pure
Vampire clan, but the royal
Vampire clan... that didn't come
Into existence till I was born.
Before this had ever came to be,
The vampire leader ever coming 
Was just a rumor, and everyone
Thought a vampire leader coming
To help all vampires was just a 

At the time me and my sister,
Alerik were born, my parents
Gave up their powers as a gift
To me, which bestow me being 
Vampire leader.

" Its about time the vampires,
Had a leader, one to lead and protect,"
Father said. 

My sister, Alerik and I were 
Unresponsive to sound, which
Had rattled my dad and pushed him
To the edge. As for mom she remained
Optimistic to help me and Alerik.
They decided it was time for me
And my sister to sleep, but even
Though I was asleep, along with Alerik
Both of us could hear everything.
While Dad thought my sibling and I 
Were to dumb and retarded to hear 
Anything. I heard everything.  

It had became loud for us.
Too much for us to sleep,
So we stayed up as Alerik 
And I listened to Mom and Dad 
Argue. Neither of us could understand
What they were saying, but knew this,
Wasn't good.

The healing machine diagnosed
Us, Dad and Mom found out
That Alerik and I had suffered
From one hundred percent hearing loss.

Dad lost it completely,
I could hear mom and Dad
Argue through the glass.
It was perfect clarity,
And I made a power, so that
I can communicate through
Anyone's mind since my speech
Wasn't so great.

I was so upset, that I let
my vampire senses take over,
as I read my parents minds, I
saw that their thoughts were
too loud to ignore.

Alerik looked at me,
She was concerned and
She blocked everything
That was happening.

I remembered, that Alerik 
Seemed to not understand, why 
I was a few feet from her. 
She noticed I stepped away.
There was a reason, it was 
Because I only knew this
Was a way to protect Alerik.

My eyes blinked rapidly 
And I let out a loud growl
Alerik was frightened.
I had experienced many
Emotions; a lot was sadness,
Anger and struggled with the
Ability to adjust to werewolf scent,
Which made me lash out aggressively.

" Step back Alerik," I warned, my
Teeth snarled at her and I was angry
As my vampire instincts exploded.

" Nalan, what's... tell..." Alerik 

" I don't want to hurt you," I choked
Out. The bitterness of deer skin and dirt
Mixed along with cement. It filled inside
Of me, and I couldn't control my thirst.
My whole body felt like it were burning
It wouldn't stop, unless I broke out of
Here and attacked my first meal.

I had shown Alerik
What dad and mom said.

" That's it I can't take it
Anymore. I can't believe this."

" Kiokia, we can do this
You will have to help..."

" No, I'm not helping them,
They are too stupid and retarded
To do anything. Nalan, is worthless
And useless. Alerik, is a big mistake
Just as worse as Nalan!"

" I don't love them!" Dad said.

I inhaled a breath,
These words were like
Medicine, that had been
Used, not for their
Intention, but for 
To injure and kill.

It made me so upset
That I began to shake
Violently, as if I were
A victim of a drowning
Of near death.

" No, please stop... we can 
Have them go to a deaf school,
Or get help." 

" No, I refuse." 

" Nalan, what are you doing?" 
Alerik asked me.

I stood looking outside
Where mom and dad sat
Talking. My eyes had turned
Red, a low growl seep through
My throat as I seek revenge.

" They will pay for this..." I spoke
So loud the walls of the healing
Machine vibrated. My sister, Alerik
And I could felt the vibrations. 

I fell into a deep
Thoughtlessness and
My vampire instincts
Take over.

Reached out my hands
And smashed the glass
Of the healing machine.
Thought by this way I would
Get attention of my parents.

When Mom and Dad heard that
They rushed to us immediately.
Dad picked me up and held me
As hard as he could. I turned
My head to look at him and he 
Let out a bloody cry. A terrifying
Blood thirsty smirk on my face 
This was what revenge looked like. 
Mom realized my teeth were on his
Neck, sucking all the blood I could 
out of him.

Dad soon fell into a trance,
He was trapped in this box
And it seemed to be endless
Like a hallway. I met him
At the end.

" Nalain, what's going on?"
As he approached me he immediately
felt pain and I let out this manic laugh
I was going to enjoy every second of pain
that Kiokia felt my pain. 

" Nalain, stop..." dad said.

Outside of the box, Mom
Saw that Dad was shaking
Uncontrollably, it was 
Unbelievable. A evil grin
Spread on my face and than
I felt pain of rejection and abandonment.
There was no way I'm letting this die.

I brought Dad back 
Where we were she panted
as she walked back and forth
I wished she would stop it was
driving me insane not that this 
Experience had helped in any way.
Mom was worried sick.

" Nalain, what did you do?"
I raised my hand high,
She felt strikes of pain
Overwhelm her, it was like
A fog, and I made it so that
She couldn't breathe.

" Don't call me that!
You are just as bad as
He is. You should've fought
Harder for me." I let out a
Unearthly shriek.

" Nalan, stop screaming." 

" Haha," I laughed.
Let me just say I never
Had a great relationship
With them again. 

Mom and dad had sat
Alerik and I down,
Told us we were going
To be big sisters to 
Kioki, my youngest sister
At the time.

At the same time, I had
Been keeping a watch,
And followed my cousin,
Kioko from the most
Powerful werewolf clan.

Kioko was very curious 
About me the vampire leader.
He had asked his parents
Kiokoa and Koako. I had
Hid myself, well made myself
Invisible and it was the first
Time Kioko was told.

" Don't bring this up again."

After that Kioko had asked
A second time. Still no answer
I stood by not because I was 
Afraid, but because I knew 
Kiokoa and Koako were going 
To take out their anger on Kioko.

" You bring this up again, you
won't get any food or water,"

I knew what Kioko was thinking,
" Really no food or water, that's
The best you can do? I've heard worse," 

But I knew that when Kiokoa an Koako
Left, I'd stay a while to watch over
Kioko. Kioko caught me on his territory.

" Hey, what are you doing here," Kioko challenged

" Kioko," I called.

" You're not suppose to be here. Nala, why
not go back to your own land," Kioko warned
he wolfed out.

I raised my right hand in front of me
Kioko stared in confusion tilted his head
to his right side then Kioko crouched down
he snapped at me ready to attack I was able
To disable Kioko from wolfing out. 

" Kioko, I'm not here to fight you.
I noticed you were asking about me
wondered who I am." I said crossed
my arms on top of each other listening.

" Vampire leader, what do you know 
About that?" Kioko questioned.

" Where are your parents," I looked over
To see if Kiokoa and Koako were listening.

" They are gone, they're be back. why do you
Care?" Kioko asked.

" Trust me Kioko, I have a gut feeling
They have a plan here. If the food and water
Thing gets any worse, call me. I'll be here
For a while." 

" You've been watching me?" Kioko asked
Tried not to be freaked out by me watching
Him and not being seen or heard.

" Only because something's going
To happen, I just know it," I warned.

Kiokoa and Koako came back three
Days later... I was still on their
Land. They demanded Kioko not to
Talk to me anymore.

" Wait. I never said that.." Kioko paused.

" You don't have to Kioko, I can
Smell Nalan's scent covered all over
You! You are to be punished." Kiokoa

" But I didn't do anything.
What's wrong with talking to
My cousin?" Kioko asked his

" You dont get it do you
You stupid deaf boy?! Nalain
Is the most powerful in all dimensions
Except two; heaven and hell." Kiokoa
Slapped Kioko's face so hard it was red
It felt like fire.

I stood by and watched," Oh Kioko,
I'm so sorry," I cried. I knew how Kioko
Had felt he was confused why he's being 
Yelled at and abused. I wanted to do something
 but couldn't.

" She can snap you like a twig.
Nalain, can kill injure or worse."
Koako said.

Koako and Kiokoa had many sessions
With Kioko where slathering Kioko's body.
All bruises, marks, cuts, and even blood began
To run down his back and his whole body. I began
To start to have this unending craving for his blood,
But I was able to control it.

" You ever talk to Nala again..." Kiokoa

They left Kioko behind for who
Knows for how long. I reappeared
And wrapped my arms around Kioko.
Kioko turned around to face me.

" Nala," He approached me.

I  began to sniff the air
As if perfume were sprayed.
Kioko's blood, I knew where it
Came from which was no surprise. 
My body had longed for it, 
As it were water only this 
Kind would help me cope for 
A long time. For vampires, a
Long time isn't so long. If I
killed Kioko, I couldn't live with
myself. To avoid killing Kioko, 
I backed away so that I wouldn't
Hurt him.

" Nala, you hate me," Kioko
Cried. His chest bleeding
Down like a river flow of 
Deliciousness. I couldn't
Contain it anymore. Rushed
To Kioko's side and took 
Long deep breaths in.

"Oh, how I longed for 
Kioko's scent of blood." 
Then I let out a long quivering

" Nala," I paid no attention
To Kioko was more interested 
In his blood.  

" Nala, why did Kiokoa, call 
Me a stupid deaf boy?" Kioko

" Umm..." I hesitated.

He grabbed me hard by
The sides.

" Nala, tell me, please," 
Kioko begged.

" When you were a cub
You were diagnosed with
One hundred percent hearing loss,
Like me. I overheard them
( Kioko's parents) say
How they blamed me, for you
Being deaf. They kept you
Away from me, not only because
Of the werewolf vampire thing,
But because they think I gave
You that. As if being deaf is a
Disease.  And worse they think that
I can't control my thirst of me wanting
to kill you. I'd never do that they assume
just because I crave werewolf blood 
And scent that I'd kill you."

" What?" Kioko tried to slam
Me into the wall.

" Haha... you are weak." I laughed.
I grabbed Kioko by his fur
And threw him against the wall.
Kioko let out this bear like roar
And I hissed at him.

" They kept that little secret
From you. I promised that when we
Would meet, I would be the one
To tell you. Hopefully gain your
Trust in return." I explained.

Kioko sneered at me, 

" Why didn't you tell me
Till now?" 

" I wanted to, so much Kioko,
But the time I did I found
Out that you were being abused
By Kiokoa and Koako. I made a
Promise that would turn you. Of
Course I'd let you choose when 
And where you wanted to. So that
You don't have to go back to them
Again." I said.

Than a week, or so later
Kiokoa and Koako came back
To their neglected Kioko.
They noticed that I was
There yet, they couldn't
Find me physically.

" You let Nalan in?"
Kiokoa roared at Kioko.

Kiokoa could smell
The odor of cat urine,
And felt her eye burning 
In pain, my natural scent
Was too strong for her to handle. 

" No, I didn't I swear."
Kioko lied.

I watched as they turned
Away from Kioko and he called
Them back,

" Hey, when were you going to 
Tell me I am deaf?" They looked 
At Kioko and called me to come
Out they knew I was there.

I appeared in front of Kioko
And asked Kiokoa and Koako.

" What? I signed.

" Nala you told Kioko,
About us not wanting him
To know." Kiokoa screamed.

" Oh come on, Kioko,
Should've known in the
Beginning." I held Kioko
Tightly up against my chest
Sheilded Kioko from them.

" Nalan, Kioko isn't your
Concern!" Koako shouted
At me.

" Hey! don't get upset with
Me. You're the one who left
Kioko, without food, or water."
I grabbed Kiokoa by the neck
And threw him against the wall
Breathe in his scent. 

Sounds of shouting filled
My ears, his body rose up
And shook violently. I was
Making him feel pain, the
Pain he gave me all my life. 

" Shut up!" I said as I 
Stabbed him with my butcher knife. 

Koako shouted at me," Nala, stop
It." I didn't pay attention into 
The pain and revenge I was giving

" Alerik, hold her," I shouted.

Alerik took my place, a strong
Grip on Kiokoa, as I had a hard
Strong, violent hold on Koako
Up against the wall. 

" You wanna join him aunt Koako?
I can do just as worse to you,"

A evil smirk on my face,

" In fact, hahaha." I leaned
Into her face and breathed.

" Mmm... your scent..."
It was lingering like
Temptation the worst to
A vampire.

" Nalain, stop don't." She
Shoved me away.

" Mmm. You're not worth it,
Anyways. You're a completely
waste of my time." I scorned. 

Over time I had made laws;
One law was when I drew a line
Dividing the werewolves and vampires
Apart. A lot of my relatives; Jaine,
Koako, Kiokoa told me that I shouldn't
Have done that and would stir up aggravations
Between vampires and werewolves. That all
Half breed and any traitor from the werewolf
Side belonged to me and I'll do what fits.

A few days to a week passed
By, when I noticed that Koako
And Kiokoa were gone more than
A week or so. 

That's when something had my attention, 
the abuse and lack of food and water 
Punishment with Kioko kicked into high gear. 

Kioko had been in the most
Severe pain I've ever seen him

Kioko laid on the floor
Barely moving. He clutched
His arms tightly as he held 
His chest, where Kioko had lost
a liter of blood, Kioko was wounded.
I leaned towards Kioko and 
Searched him for any injuries
And turned out, Kioko's body 
Was covered in cuts, bruises,
Blood bled down from his whole body.

From Kioko's head to his feet,
Kioko was covered in blood. Not
Only his blood teased me, but
Bothered me to see him in this
much pain.

I leaned to Kioko to examine his chest.

" Kioko, I need to see
Your chest," I gently
Pulled his arms wrapped
Around his chest area.

" Nala, stop that it hurts,"
Kioko confirmed.

" Its ok, Kioko I'm not going
To touch it, I just need to 
See it." I promised.

I again gently pulled 
Kioko's hands away from
His chest, and the odor
Of blood and rotting flesh
Filled the air.

My eyes opened wide
In terror, Kioko was 
Dying and I need to act

" Nala, turn me quick," Kioko coughed.

It was like Kioko read
My mind without me telling
Him what I planned to do.

Pulled Kioko's body towards
Mine, my teeth were shiny to
The point, like dangerous knives
Seeping into Kioko's soft 
Fur his paw. Odor of deer
And bear flooded my mouth.
It was a revolting taste, but
I pushed on to be able to
Turn Kioko into a vampire.

Kioko began to let out this
Repulsive scream, i knew at
Once my poison had slowly
Absorbed into his body
And blood stream. But after
a few minutes a ton of poison
were attacking his heart yet he
Screamed until he fell to his sleep
peacefully. It quickly turned him in 
Like 24 hours cause of the amount of
Poison I injected into him.

Kioko let out this extremely painful
Shout, my ears couldn't take it my
hearing like a cat. Kioko was inside
of the healing bubble with me( its like the
healing machine only it can dissolve away
unlike the healing machine its more permeant). 

Kioko even though he was inside
the bubble his senses were honed
and sharp like mine and he was stronger
than before he still had werewolf blood in him
so he was stronger than most vampires not me.
But if he were to let his senses take over he can 
Easily kill or injure me. 

Kiokoa and Koaka were in the room
And I knew what Kioko was thinking,
" I'm hungry my throat is killing me,"

" Go ahead, do with them what you will," I said to Kioko.

Kioko stared at them his senses
strong he let out his claws and used
his hands to beat them like what they done
To him.

Kioko reached in desorated Koaka and Kiokoa's
Hearts from their chest.

Both of them let out this scream
as if they were dying.

" mmmm....  that's how I felt," Kioko laughed.

they both whimpered in pain," Now you know how I felt
when you took my food, water from me. As for mine, Nalan
will take better care of me than you two ever did," Kioko reached
out and opened his mouth to bled them dry wihtout taking a breath. 

" Ahhh delicious!" Kioko said. 

At the same time, my parents
Were pregnant with Kioki.
She was born a pure bred, 
And I made them think
That Kioki and Kioko 
We're their children.
I was able to mark them
With my vampire scent 
And had Kioki and Kioko
Be born again as my off 
Spring. But at a young new
Born, Kioki was bitten by 
A werewolf at about three
Hundred years old.

In front of Kioki, was
My werewolf cousin Jaine,
Her blond hair pulled into
A small bun and dark skin like
Of the midnight moon shone as
The sun hits her like a dream

She leaned towards Kioki,
Flashed her sharp small teeth
About a foot, or so deep into 
Kioki's white pale neck. The
Odor of blood, sun and water
Overwhelmed Kioki she pulled 
Back when Jaine changed Kioki.

Quick like lightening,
Kioko came flying to Kioki's
Side, to find her gasping for

" Nalan's on her way," Kioko
Assured Kioki, but than was 
Taken in by what Kioki felt,
(Power of empathy). Kioki laid
On the ground shrieking and 
Shaking violently in pain. 

I had come to the werewolf
Territory, just in time
To hear sounds of my
Two children, Kioki and
Kioko screaming for me to help
and saw Kioki shake violently like 
Kioko and Kioki were experiencing
An earthquake.

As soon as I stepped
Closer where Kioki
And Kioko stood I felt
Everything they experienced.

Kioki's Dream

The pain was overpowering
Me, it was the main weapon
Yet there was anything
That was sharp, flew at me;
Knives, needles and darts
Flying at me the overall 
Pain was hell.

I felt a path of fire came
Into my body. It set me on 
A blaze, like a piece of paper
Set on fire, and that it wasn't
Going to stop. 

Something new came up
Kioki gave me a vision
Of a memory of what had
Happened. Through Kioki,
I had felt revenge and 
Anger and felt this tortured
And excruciating cry. I woke
Opened my eyes to pain in my
Dream to what I experienced now
Was no different and didn't cease.


Kioki walked to the middle of the werewolf
Territory, to find Kioko and I wave
At her. A few feet away from them
Was Jaine her red eyes glared back
At me. Than I question," Wait, wasn't
Jaine a werewolf?" I asked out loud.

" Mmm, yes that was until your mother
Turned me into a bloody vampire!" Jaine
Hissed at me.

I rushed to Kioki's side
And Kioki looked at me,

"Who is she, vampire leader?
She claims she knows you,"
Kioki said.

" Yes, Jaine is our cousin
From the werewolf side. Well
Was. I turned and sent her to
Live away from our clan as
Punishment for changing you," 
My red eyes shone in the night 

" Wait did you..." Kioki asked
I stared at kioki and gave her
A vision of a memory. 

Kioki remembered... her dream
Kioki laid on the ground,
Gasped out out in pain
As Kioki turned into a 
Vampire. I had Kioko
Protect Kioki as I
Carried out Jaine's
Punishment for turning
Kioki into a werewolf.
Kioki's body was in severe
Pain and twitched like she 
Had a seizure, as the poison
Raced through her.

Kioki was in a pre ripped
Jeans, i love nintendo t-shirt
And a pair of socks each had a
Hole in them.

Kioki inhaled a breath
And found me looking at
Jaine, her pale white face
Like ivory lace dressed
In a black robe with a 
Red stripe on the side.

Kioki blanked out her
Mind with a thought.
That when this is over,
I would be there with
Open arms, and that I
Would be there to protect

That's when I felt
The intolerable pain
Like when I laugh so 
Hard it hurts only this
Is worse. This was Kioki's
Pain that Jaine gave her.

Jane began yelling
At Kioki,

" That dream you had,
It made me sick. It was
So easy to invade it. 
Maybe you feel pain,"
Jaine laughed. 

So that power I gained from Jaine,
Was to make anyone feel pain, whenever I
Wanted. Ever since I met, she made the
Mistake of crossing me, than she betrayed
Me. I took her powers away for hurting my 
Family. As earlier, mentioned Jaine lived
Alone away from my clan, but remained
A vampire. 

Jaine looked at Kioki's
Eyes and instantly Kioki 
Felt her body like it were
Eaten up by fiery moths.

" You really, honestly
Think that I can't make
You feel pain as you dream?" 
Jaine angered.

Kioki didn't answer, she
Was too busy fearing for
Her life at stake. Jaine 
Held my daughter's life in
Her hands. Kioki could see
How Jaine looked like a 
Building. Towering over her
And using her own powers to
Annihilate my daughter out
Of existence.

" You obviously underestimated me,"
Jaine laughed manically.

A few seconds later,
Kioki felt the wind blow
And was surrounded by
A warm and yet familar
Scent. vampire. My scent.
It lingered in the air. Jaine
knew it, but tried to pull
The wool over my eyes. 

I motioned Kioko to 
Snatch Kioki before 
I grabbed Jaine, Kioko
Nodded in agreement.

" Jaine," Before Jaine
Could react I grabbed
Jaine by her neck, held
Her inches from the wall
And seconds to throwing 
Jaine at it.

Kioko unfortunately
Wasn't able to grab
Kioki, but managed to
Guard Kioki at least.

" Let her go," I threatened.

" Nala, she was on my property, 
She's mine," Jaine hissed at me.

" She is a traitor on your side,
And you know my law, all traitors
Belong to me," I said.

Jaine hissed and sighed
In disappointment.

"I'm the vampire leader,
And what I say goes, besides
I'm a little..."

I inhaled the sweet,
Scent of Jaine's
Remaining werewolf 
Blood, it was almost 
Like alcohol to me.

" Thirsty, I raged.

" You're thirsty, my Kioki
I'll get you something. I promise," 
I promised.

Kioki began to become
Overwhelmed and tried to 
Understand. Her hands
Were on top of her head
And tried to make out
What was happening.

That's when I felt
The untolerable pain,
Like when I laugh, so 
Hard it hurts only this
Was worse. 

I glance at Kioki,
And I could tell she struggled
To remember what had happened.
I gave Kioki help by providing
A vision. Which made her go through
The pain. Just wish there was another

Kioki peered up at me
She finally understood.

Kioki had found out that
Over the years, I've been
Following, watched and 
Protected Kioki. I wasn't surprised
When I found out that Kioki 
Had been abused and was abandon
Because she was curious about me,
The vampire leader. Kioki stared 
At me realized that the most powerful
Vampire was two feet away. Kioki 
Had questioned me about the hearsay and
Rumors that if she questioned, or betrayed
Me, that it would be like asking for me
To kill her.

" Yes, those are true, Kioki," I sighed.
Kioki tensed. This confirmation didn't 
Relax her and she wished it wasn't true.
Kioki let out a breath. I could tell 
This feedback made her nervous, but did
Quite well hiding it She inherited that
From me.

Kioki took a few more breaths
Jaine had made her uneasy and
I could tell just by how I read
Her thougts," Is she going to kill me?"

" No I wouldn't let that happen Kioki,"
I answered.

" You may have won this round Nala,
But she will be defensless soon and 
You know it," Jaine threatened.

Kioki sped to attack Jaine
She couldn't take Jaine's
Threats she couldn't take it
Any longer.

" Kioko, protect her," 

Kioko force Kioki back
Stopped her just in time,
But not before Kioki found and
Knew everything what happened
Between Jane and me Kioki 
Began to ponder that for a few

" What had happened? And
Why haven't Nala told her
Yet about Nala and my 
Friendship breakup?" Jaine
Asked herself.

" Kioki, don't do anything you'll regret.
You do anything you'll turn up dead and 
What will I or Nala do?"  Kioko looked
Like he was about to cry. It pained him
That something bad happened to his twin
Sister Kioki.

Kioki ceased, it was a good reason
Not to strike out at Jaine, I mean 
Jaine is as powerful as Nala, only 
Now Nala's stronger. I told Kioiki 
This was after Jaine had broke away
From the most powerful wererwolf clan.
What I knew for a fact Jaine wouldn't
Let it go. It would make it worse and
I would suffer, mostly rebel and strike
Back at Jaine harder than ever. If 
Anything had happened to my twins; 
Daughter and son Kioki and Kioko. 
Kioki thought of that for a second
And couldn't see anyone hurting me
And hardly control herself.

I swiftly had a strong grip of Jaine
And stared at her angrily it was almost
Like a cold blooded of a hunter it made
Kioki realize that she wanted not to
Ever cross me like Jaine did. 

I stole and used Jaine's
Powers against her cause
Jaine wasn't using her powers
What I saw fit but used them to
Hurt my family Jaine looked at
Me in horror my whole body covered 
In fire and I let out this loud
Gut retching scream. 

" Jaine, you crossed me!" 
Jaine heard my thought 
Her teeth clenched and
Her large red thirsty
Eyes opened wide as she
Watched me look down on

" You, really think that threatening
My Kioki is going to solve anything.
If anything I should be threatening you 
Cousin," I screamed as fire raged inside
Of my body it felt like I was dying but
I couldn't really die I have the ability
Not to die. Although I can make others
Think I have which I used at my advantage.

For Jaine, I had banished
Or in other words exiled her
From the vampire clan especially
The most powerful royal vampire
Clan, my family and if Jaine
Ever came back I'd be able to 
Punish Jaine forever. I'd never
Forgive her for Jaine has caused

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