
* Thursday April 4th 2013 Beautiful Death Prose

*  Thursday April 4th 2013 Beautiful Death Prose 

Beautiful smile that’s worth while
It seems to last a while
I am sure to make the extra mile
We all have a unique style.

The skies seem to become a breath taking blue
It stuck to me like glue
Outside’s so great may want to go in a canoe.

The sun shone bright hung in the sky
Opened my arms wide out to fly
This is my way to want to die
To fly out of the nest and lie
Above in the heavens keep on my loved ones as they lie
Last thing I want anyone I love to cry.

And I know they thought,” my oh my,”

I know they miss me
Their only last thing want to is to kiss me
The last kiss they ever give they are in glee
If only they can only see

I am with God please don’t cry for me. 

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