
Saturday April 6th 2013 Iceberg Art Prose

Saturday April 6th 2013 Iceberg Art Prose

I am like an iceberg cause i am a piece of art
constantly changing even when i don't realize it.
I'm always creating new writing projects that I show
Off proud of it like the greatness nature of the ice
That shines off in the sun. Only thing is my art and myself
Never rest or stop even if I do no one will notice except me.

People don't really tend to know about me
Unless I let them, I reserve myself until I am
ready to be displayed in front of the world. 
I let people to interpret what my art means
and I'm open to what people think I say or mean.
But the only one who knows what I truly mean
Is me the true artist hidden within. 

My friends around me they may 
Have contributed, or helped me in
Some ways. Even unintentionally and 
Even lending support they are the ones 
That are most important are people that
I have met at the grey center and the 
Writing group I am currently a part of.

To add I never regretted sharing
My work with a practice audience
and in front of people that matter to me
most. There were times I'd share writings
to a few lucky people privately. In a way 
I am looking for how to improve and 
How to make my story better and clear
To the point like the tip of the iceberg.

As for inspiration came from these
writers that I find extremely important,
Anne Frank, Helen Keller, Annie Sullivan,
Laura Ingulls and for to keep me going
I have my friends who don't mind lending
A hand to listen to my stories and telling 
me how I can improve and push me to do 
Better and never quit. But its ok to rest
For a little while until I find out my next 

These people I love to thank;
everyone from the writing group,
and people I've sent writings to, you 
Know who you are. I also like to thank
God for my passion for writing and glad
I developed writing at a very young age,
It was worth it. 

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